Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Scary Movie 5 Review

Without a word of a lie, Scary Movie 5 really isn’t the same film that propelled the franchise in the 1990’s, since the third was released they are just going from bad to worse. This may be because of the lack of horror films to create a spoof from that aren’t being created whereas in the 1990’s there were much more to talk about.

This movie is on par with the worst spoofs and witty comments that were created on Movie 43. The film opens with a couple of drug-stars, sorry just druggies,  in Charlie Sheen and Lindsey Lohan who are basically mocking themselves. Charlie Sheen and Linsey lohan are acting out a sex scene but are instead addressing their very own mental health problems. It looks like somebody needed money…

At times in this film, I found myself being forced to laugh just to add a bit of excitement in the movie. Once the terrible duo finishes at the beginning, it then follows the same path as the Mama storyline. Mama itself has a really good story line, they just didn't pull it off as good as they possibly could have. You would think after three of these the filmmakers would finally realize this is going the wrong way and people aren’t finding this remotely funny anymore. You could almost imagine them sitting in a room discussing how to create a really bad film and still produce big bucks at the cinema.

The film runs for about an hour and twenty minutes but don’t be fooled, this is the longest hour and twenty minutes in your life hoping that the film will end to be hit by another so called ‘gag’ that had my eyes rolling in embarrassment.

Overall, I don’t recommend spending your hard earned pennies on this terrible film, it just seems that the more that come out, the older the jokes become due to the repetition that seems to be occurring but with different films. The outtakes at the end of the film were possibly the funnier parts of the film but as  sat through them even that didn’t tempt a smirk on my face, it just made me realize just how bad the actors/actresses in it were, what an embarrassment. Lets hope for their sake, they have several films already lined up which will to the audience's mind of this shambolic performance.

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